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I.D. Youth GRoup

I.D. | Dinas Powys Baptist Church:

Youth groups

Our youth group meets in a house on Sunday nights. This group offers a chance for children and young adults to meet together, have fun, eat food and discuss matters of life and faith in a safe environment. 


As well as this group, we take our groups to Lift events, which are Christian music events for young people, and Spree Wales, which is a weekend camping in Carmarthenshire alongside hundreds of other young people.

dinas powys baptist church

Sunday Night


Schools years 5 and above

5:30 - 7 pm


Meeting in a house provides a great atmosphere for these groups. Sometimes we will be making food in the kitchen, and other times we could be playing games or watching a film. We always have a little bit of food and time for discussion.


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Tel: 07753 433598

Email:, or use the form opposite.


Under Data Protection legislation the church Charity Trustees of Dinas Powys Baptist Church are the Data Controller and can be contacted by emailing


If you contact us by phone or email we will only retain your name and details for as long as is necessary for us to deal with your enquiry. We will NOT pass on your details to anyone other than the person (or people) in our church who are best able to deal with your enquiry.


If you are concerned about the way your information is being handled please speak to our Data Protection Trustee. If you are still unhappy you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioners Office. 

  • DPBC
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