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Serving Christ in the community - Serving the community for Christ



We normally meet on Sunday mornings at 10:30 am in the Parish Hall, Britway Rd. 

Sunday 2nd March we will be meeting at Hebron Hall for a Baptismal Service at 10:30am

The Dwelling Place - Wellbeing Cafe meets on Thursdays 10am - 12noon in Dinas Powys Library. 


Dinas Powys Baptist Church is an inclusive and welcoming church, with plenty going on for children, young people and adults. We are a group of people of all ages and from many different backgrounds with a shared vision to see Jesus transform lives and communities.

On a Sunday morning we usually gather to worship together in the Parish Hall, Dinas Powys at 10:30am. There are also other groups throughout the week where people gather together as part of the church.

Click below to read more about these groups and the things going on the church.



Where are we?

We gather each week to worship in the Parish Hall, Britway Road, Dinas Powys, CF64 4AL (unless otherwise stated) at 10:30 am.

Our worship is led by a band in a contemporary style.


There are also a number of small groups that meet during the week. Click below for more information.

SUNDAYS | Dinas Powys Baptist Church:


Tiddllywinks is a parent/grandparent, baby and toddler group that meets each Friday afternoon during school term time from 1:30 - 3pm in the Scout Hall, Highwalls Road, Dinas Powys. 

Each week there is time for free play, themed crafts, singing and a drink.



I.D. Youth Group

I.D. is a youth group that runs on Sunday evenings in Barry for school years 5 and above. 

The group meets 5:30pm - 7pm. 

There are other monthly and termly events aimed at 11-18 year olds.

This group is open to anyone who would like to attend and usually consist of lots of games, some food and space to discuss issues relating to faith and life. 

For more information click below

Listen To SERMONs



Tel: 07753 433598

Email:, or use the form opposite.

Under Data Protection legislation the church Charity Trustees of Dinas Powys Baptist Church are the Data Controller and can be contacted by emailing

If you contact us by phone or email we will only retain your name and details for as long as is necessary for us to deal with your enquiry. We will NOT pass on your details to anyone other than the person (or people) in our church who are best able to deal with your enquiry.

If you are concerned about the way your information is being handled please speak to our Data Protection Trustee. If you are still unhappy you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioners Office. 

  • DPBC
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